The database contains information regarding LexA enhancer traps lines generated by the Stan-X project. Detailed information about methodology for generating lines and collecting information can be found in the corresponding manuscripts:
Kockel et al., G3, 2016, PMID: 27527793
Kockel et al., G3, 2016, PMID: 31040111
Kim et. al, G3, 2023, G3-2023-404154
For best use, access the database on Desktop through Chrome or Safari.
Database can be filtered (when searching, a continuous string needs to be matched)
The database will remove entries as you filter them out. Press the RESET button to re-display all entries
1. Search by line name
2. Select either Stan-X Version 1 or Version 4 lines
3. Select lines known to be inserted on specific chromosome arms
4. Search by nearest inserted gene (Most genes are listed as gene symbol, but also try full gene name)
5. Search by line insertion location (Format is CHR:Start..End)
6. Select lines by insertion orientation
7. Select only lines that have been Imaged
8. Search by expression pattern (can only search by one label at a time)
9. Reset filter conditions